DJ Toro - April 95
MUSIC # 501**
Entitled: April Groove
Featuring DJ Toro
90 min of blowing up favorites
Available in cassette
Price: $10.00

MUSIC # 503**
Entitled: Halloween Lodge Party
More than five hours of various dj's spinning old school favorites
Dubbed in HiFi on VHS cassette
This one will last you long into the night without changing tapes!
Price: $25.00

MUSIC # 504**
Entitled: Saturday Night Lodge
Featuring Captain EO ,with special Mister O'Rourke set. This two volume set includes four hours of music Dubbed in HiFi on VHS cassettes. This set is perfect for when your DJ decides not to show up at your party!
Price: $20.00
MUSIC # 505**
Entitled: Fly Girl Bash
Featuring Captain EO
This three volume set includes six hours of music
Dubbed in HiFi on VHS cassettes
This is the "BOMB"
Price: $30.00


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